
Saturday, November 22, 2014

A little comic relief...

Taking care of Dad also means taking care of his pets. We all try to keep in contact with each other regarding what has and hasn't been done for each pet fairly regularly. This is usually accomplished by text. Texting on the go, for me at least,  often involves voice to text.  It also includes some interesting text fails.

As I have mentioned in early posts, my dad has a parrot named Mickey.   Mickey enjoys eating fruit so whenever fruit is on Dad's menu we will set some aside for him as well. One day I brought some melon to Dad's house and after we finished eating I cut up the remainder,  put it in a storage bag with Mickey's name on it and put it in the refrigerator. Then I attempted a voice to text message to Hillery that should have read: I sliced up some melon and put it in the fridge in a bag marked "Mickey".

A few minutes later I received a reply: LOL!  Omg!! Just one bag? Is it a garbage bag?

Huh? What the heck did I send her to get that response? I went back to re read my read: I sliced up someone and put him in the fridge in a bag marked Mickey.

Note to self: voice to text is not your friend.

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